I think you should create a nerdy girl makeover
I think you should create a nerdy girl makeover
I have all of da mak over gams. I have: Litl gurl Wedin Prom Star gurll Cher leder And more i cant remember da nams of
I think that this game is soooo stupid because who ever made this game copied another game.
It expressed my style and color, its like art and fashion mixed together
Please create a Christmas/ holiday and New Years salon game!!!
This app, unbelievable! So much fun, my sister and I love to play it together. One of the best ps ever! Really, really cool!
I find this games clothing insulting because I was a cheerleader last year and we did not wear anything like the clothes on this game,but I recommend this game.
Its sort of a good game all in all but 1st off cheerleaders are supposed to wear the school stuff and all be wearing the same thing, this game put different outfits on all of them in which my school you would be kicked out of the squad, and you put sexy clothes that dont even cover their butt, also when your popping her pimples and stuff you come to the mask part and your putting lemons...... lemons on your eyes........
I like it but I personally think there shouldnt be things on locks, same with all of libiis games:/
This game is amazing, even if you have to pay for some stuff! Thank you for letting the players try out the glittered eyeshadow!
I love it because Im a cheerleader and its all me and its girly
I like it I would like better makeup and outfits but I luv the game!
I Love this game cheerleader!!!!!
This game is so awesome. I love all of the salons!
You get to make your own cheerleader but the down part is that it doesnt come in full version you have very few things.
It is awsome I mean the outfits are great and we can move the cheerleader again its awsome
It is not what REAL cheerleaders wear. It is kind of insulting. Well, not to me, but to my friends. They are cheerleaders and they dont wear inappropriate stuff like this. It isnt all inappropriate, but some of the clothing is. That is the only bad part........ You should get it though if you like doing peoples makeup and hair and all that. :)
Plz make a goth salon too!
AWESOME!! I love the characters names, and every time I go on, I act the characters out!! Its SO fun pretending they are going to cheerleader meets, or gymnastics meets!! Love this app!
Cheerleaders dont wear that kind of cloths . Very insulting .